Saturday, January 6, 2024

Sugarlump Co. ~ Westcliffe, Colorado

Last visit: Jan 2024

First visit: Aug 2021

Of course we went here after lunch. One of our favorite ice cream places, we always make a beeline to Sugarlump. This time I stayed simple with a single scoop waffle cone of coffee ice cream. As seems to be a mountain tradition, I got more than one scoop. Unfortunately the coffee flavor wasn't strong enough for my taste buds. I'll probably go back to the shake as noted below. Mrs. RJG, remembering her overload from the last visit, also stuck with one scoop. She just got the Black Walnut (they didn't have peanut butter this time). She enjoyed it thoroughly though there was this undertone she wanted more. And then complained about being fat all the way home. Haha.

---2/5/23 update

Seems no trip to Westcliffe happens without a stopover at Sugarlump for some ice cream dessert. Mrs. RJG went crazy with two giant scoops in a waffle cone - one black walnut, the other peanut butter. I really enjoyed the latter on the taste sample. I went back to my favorite chocolate mousse ice cream shake with a shot of espresso - and whipped cream. It's sugar overload, but doggone was it great! Can only do that once in a blue moon. Forgot to mention this last time, but most of the workers here are Amish (or Mennonite). Reminded us of the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia - especially Bassett's! I have an entry here from our last visit to Bassett's - recent too - like 15 years ago haha.

---original 5/14/22 review

As noted on the Chappy's entry, we had every intention of coming back to Sugarlump Co. Last summer most of Colorado was wide open, including Westcliffe, but we decided on a picnic anyway - almost reminiscing the pandemic of 2020 (honestly the worst nightmare of my entire life - I'm an absolute fanatic for freedom, and to have it taken away like that just really bothered me - and I hate masks too. No matter, I was a good citizen despite my misgivings. Even got vaccinated against my wishes and that didn't go well either for me, because I never put anything foreign into my body. OK, I'll stop). Besides on that summer day I was still recovering from a nasty gum infection (an undiscovered small fragment of a buried tooth from early childhood decided to come out - I mean we are talking way crazy weird here). What were we talking about again? Oh yea - dessert! While walking the town, we both decided ice cream sounded good, and inside we went. It was absolutely delicious. So we must go again.

Sugarlump is a large space with counter service, and the expected ice cream buckets. Years ago I went on a milkshake binge, and it was high time to bring back that bad habit. And that's what I did last summer. And did it again on this visit. I usually like to have coffee ice cream milkshakes, but last time I had chocolate with a shot of real espresso. Wow, was that good! This time I just had the cappuccino ice cream as a milkshake. I should have added the espresso, but it was still great. Mrs. RJG is a waffle cone nut, and she blended two flavors in there. And she loves their ice cream. Not sure if they make it in house or not, but whatever the case, we enjoy it a lot. And that put her right back in a great mood after her disappointment with Chappy's Burger. She did tell me she wants to eat here next time and have a panini. That sounds good, but also "not enough carbs for me". We'll see...

8/16/21; 5/14/22 (new entry); 2/4/23; 1/6/24


Anonymous said...

I'll have to give this place a try the next time I'm in Westcliffe.

Michael Sellers said...

I realized when I started another comment that I had been defaulted to "anonymous" for some odd reason. I'll keep Sugarlumps in mind for the NEXT TIME I'm through the Westcliffe area! Thanks for the tip! :)

Northern Cafe ~ Cerritos, California

Lady Music and I joined the BFF family to celebrate Lady Music's BFF's birthday. Northern Cafe on Second in Cerritos was the choice ...