Friday, November 11, 2022

Barrio Cafe ~ Phoenix, Arizona

First visit: Nov 2022

The next day was even more intense, this time with a full day of presentations. Our team performed wonderfully throughout. We were on video conference while others were in person. Since we were remote, once again lunch was provided via catering. They went with Chipotle, always a good choice. We already have an annual update for that chain, so we'll move to dinner.

Now it's time to fly home. Crazy late night flying with a tight connection in Vegas. I'm not even going to tell that story here, but my goodness, I'm getting too old to be running in airports OJ Simpson style (I still try to remember the good OJ). With a business suit on. Whatever the case, before that drama ensued, I usually enjoy going to an airport early so I can unwind with a couple of beers and a meal. I know they have a Matt's Big Breakfast at this airport, because I've been there. Bad plan. Wrong airline and terminal.

And to think I was complaining about O'Hare. The Southwest terminal at Sky Harbor takes the cake. When I landed I could see they plan on opening multiple restaurants in their new terminal. But when will that be who knows. My non-fast food options in this terminal were Barrio Cafe - or - Barrio Cafe. I think I'll go with Barrio Cafe. Menu looked good, why not. I stood in line (of course because I had to). Finally got seated. This is one of those restaurants that insists you do everything on your smart phone. I thought that was an option not mandatory. Nope. God help you if you don't have one - like the RJG official Mom for example. Waitress comes by and asks me if I need help ordering. Really? So I quickly pulled up the QR Code and ordered a beer (Sky Harbor has their own lager made by SanTan so that's pretty cool) and an Arizona Burrito. Looked good on paper.

No bueno. Smothered in green it alleges. I would love to ask the "cook" what the word smother means to him/her/it/they (see how hard this is getting?). "It means one teaspoon of chile sauce". If that. C'mon man! Oops, that's gender specific. Anyway - this burrito is essentially a brisket wrapped in an out-of-the-bag tortilla and a drop of green chile. The brisket actually wasn't too bad at all (though I thought it was going to be Carne Asada. Not sure why I thought that). It was just the expectation wasn't met. Had I been in a barbeque place I may have been singing its praises.

Next time I need to do more homework. Perhaps chill out before heading to the airport, but that adds risk to missing the flight. Hmm... Going to have to think about this. I do plan on being back to Phoenix - and hopefully soon!

Apparently there is another Barrio Cafe in Phoenix. Completely unrelated to the airport restaurant. And they make a big deal to point that out. I don't blame them!

11/9/22 (new entry)

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