Monday, April 24, 2023

McCoy's ~ Denver, Colorado

Latest visit: Apr 2023

First visit: Oct 2022

It's time for the bi-annual record show in Denver! JL and I are back at it, selling our wares. Him more so. I just bring a few boxes along for the heck of it. I'm mainly there to help and then dig for myself. Most of my inventory is online. In reality most of it is in my collection lol. Selling inventory, I should say. We both agreed to follow the routine of McCoy's and Big Bills (fulfilling the prophecy below). For the October show we might go for mixing it up with two new RJG styled restaurants. We'll see. As for our experience this visit, absolutely everything was the same, perhaps even tastier to me on this fine sunny morning. And yes, of course JL got a hug from the waitress... For old school diners, McCoys is tough to beat. Oh - we did take the time to look up when they first opened - 1988.

---original 10/15/22 review

Now for something completely different... After a week of expense account eating - when we were allowed to eat that is - now it's time for the Denver Record Show! Back to the RJG comfort zone. In this case I was helping a local Springs friend load and run his tables - we'll call him JL. He's a big dude (former roadie), a couple of years older than me, and his knees are giving out on him. We're likeminded in music and - as I learned on this trip - food as well. Like Mr. Music and Rude Dante! And he even did the driving - which was great since I just did the route a couple of days prior. When he suggested we get a big ol' breakfast to start the day, he was speaking my language. Load up before the event and that will give us the energy to get through the show, which can be exhausting (but fun).

And like a true RJG minded fella, he starts telling me about an old diner he's been going to for over 20 years. Yea man! And in north Denver off of Federal. Dream location. Maybe I should get him to write here too?

McCoy's is actually kind of a nice place. I was expecting the smell of old nicotine and coffee, and the stuffing coming out of the vinyl booths. Nada. Essentially McCoy's looks like an old Denny's that they've maintained very nicely. JL knows the waitresses here and they give him a big hug right away. They poured my weak coffee, and no flavored creamers here. It's old fashioned diner coffee. Starbucks is for liberals, you woke weenie. Haha. Of course I beelined for the breakfast burrito buried in the chile. Hot or mild. They had to ask. Hot baby - hot. And yes, a very good green they have. I could have stood for a bit more heat (spice) but not complaining. Great flavor which enhanced the bacon and egg stuffing. I like this place! Mrs. RJG would too. BTW - you gotta love a place that advertises they are "Family Dining"... with "Cocktails" right below it. You get points for that.

I seriously doubt this will be our last foray to Denver together - as he'll continue to need the help. I expect we'll be back at McCoy's next Spring.

10/15/22 (new entry); 4/24/23

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