Saturday, December 31, 2022

Pho-nomenal ~ Colorado Springs, Colorado

Last visit: Dec 2022

First visit: Mar 2019

And we wrap up a very productive 2022 with our final outing of the year. We'd been to Pho-nomenal only once prior, and there's a story around it. I was experiencing mouth pain near my molars, so when that happened, I liked to have a bowl of pho to soothe the nerves. Only in this case, it didn't work. Two days later I was having a root canal for the first (and hopefully only) time in my life. No fault of Pho-nomenal of course, but unfortunate for them the event left a stigma in my mind. I barely recall what the food tasted like on that visit. The good news is that problem went away once and for all after the surgery. Finally, we agreed to face the notorious Powers traffic and have another lunch here.

When it comes to ambience, Pho-nomenal definitely is a cut above your usual noodle soup house. It's 2000 era sleek with chill music and trendy modern clean architect lines. They offer beer and wine in addition to the usual Vietnamese teas, coffees, etc... On this visit I went with a chicken and rice dish with Vietnamese iced coffee to drink. Mrs. RJG had a bowl of chicken pho. We started with a crispy eggroll. Things were going well until that appetizer arrived.

Mrs. RJG is not a big pork eater, and usually an Asian eggroll will have specs of pork with shredded veggies. In this case, it was a wad of pork and a little bit of lettuce/cabbage. Fine with me - it possessed a great flavor, but the Mrs. was turned off. Onto the meals. Not 30 seconds in, and Mrs. RJG barks that her pho wasn't very hot. That's highly unusual for Vietnamese places. Generally it's the other way around, and it's too hot (temperature)! This isn't going well at all. She surmised that the broth was hot but the noodles weren't, which offset the temperature. The chicken was essentially just boiled and that didn't help matters either. For myself, the rice was perfectly cooked and hot. But the chicken was lukewarm, pre-cooked, and some of the pieces were steroid-y/rubbery. Good flavor though, I must admit. They also do have bottles of Sriracha (not sure how they managed to secure those). The iced coffee was adequate, not exceptional (like, say, Zesty Thai's was last month). In any case, we both agreed that the food wasn't terrible by any means, just OK. As Mrs. RJG wisely noted: "It was good, just not phenomenal". Hmm-mmmm. 

Service was, however, much better than average on this visit. Do we return? Probably not. Too many other pho places to revisit or try for the first time.

3/9/19; 12/31/22 (new entry)

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Battle Mountain Brewing ~

Latest visit: Dec 2022 (Colorado Springs)

First visit: Jul 2021 (Colorado Springs)

Moved in Apr 2023. Will need to revisit.

---12/28/22 update

Oh look - there's a brewery right across the street from Luigi's! Who knew? :-) It was a quiet night, no one there but us. That gave us a chance to chat it up with the owner, who wanted us to know that they do not associate in any way with Gold Camp. OK, duly noted. Overall I've always enjoyed the noirish ambience this place possesses. Tuesday night isn't a big brewery night I don't think - certainly the Regular Joe's Guide is almost never out on this particular weeknight unless traveling. But it's the Holidays... See you next year!

---original 7/2/21 review

Battle Mountain took over the old Gold Camp site. As noted on that post, Gold Camp was the last local brewery we visited before the pandemic hit. One month later, Battle Mountain was in control. Bad timing, but they made it work, with a consistent local clientele. It was a comfortable place to begin with, but Battle Mountain has added some enhancements to make it even more cozy. Beers are now listed on a flat screen, whereas before they were written on a chalkboard. Parking is somewhat limited, but there's plenty of street spots if full. Really glad they preserved this location, and Battle Mountain is a welcome addition to the already great Colorado Springs brewery list.

7/2/21; 12/28/22 (new entry)

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Coal Mine Dragon ~ Colorado Springs, Colorado

Latest visit: Dec 2022

First visit: Feb 2020

In the last days of freedom before our lives were thrown for a loop, Mrs. RJG and I visited Coal Mine Dragon. It quickly established itself as our new go-to for Chinese food. As it turned out, rather than "go to" it became "take out". This was one of our standbys throughout the early days of the pandemic. They had the strangest system that we ever saw. You would call (they may have had an online system too, not sure) and they'd take your order. Then you'd text them again when you arrived. That would usually take me 2 minutes to accomplish, as I would be at the thrift shop next store. They'd then text you back that your meal was ready. You'd open the door, and there was your sack and a receipt, with an all-black barrier in between so it was like a separate room. Sign the receipt,  grab your food and leave. If there ever was a place that made you feel like you lived in a leper colony, this was the one!

Despite that annoyance, we went through that routine almost weekly for some months. And we did that for the obvious reason that the food was very good - and a lot of it (each order would result in two meals each for the Mrs. and I). And it was always of a very hot temperature so that by the time I got it home it was still steaming - and we live 20 to 25 minutes north of Coal Mine. I usually stuck with chicken fried rice, a good staple for to-go orders. And we have a spicy Thai powder from our days in Texas that makes the dish come alive. Mrs. RJG would be more brave and go for some stir fry with a lot of vegetables. But usually she was pleased.

Once things opened up in Colorado Springs in early 2021, we stopped going to Coal Mine's bizarre to-go option, which they maintained much longer than other places that allowed dine-in, which is what Mrs. RJG and I prefer. Now - almost 3 years later - we return for in-person dining. The occasion? The RJG's Official Mom's 84th birthday! Chinese is a long time favorite of my mom's, and she likes the old fashioned styled places. While not exactly a large place with stuffing coming out of the red vinyl booths and gold plated dragon accessories, Coal Mine does maintain the ambience of a pre-1980s era Chinese restaurant. She had the Moo Goo Gai Pan with Egg Drop soup, and stated it was delicious, and took half of it home. Mrs. RJG had the General Tso's chicken with Wonton soup. They have a spice level - 1 to 5. So she chose 4. I have to hand it to Coal Mine, they don't kid around on the spice. We go for Thai food to get spicy, but it's usually a lost cause at Chinese restaurants. Not so at Coal Mine. It was particularly spicy on this visit. Official Mom tried a piece, and it was way too hot for her palate, and took her awhile to settle it down. I went with Kung Pao Chicken - Coal Mine Dragon style. You can also get it "California" style. The latter with vegetables. I went all-chicken! Same level of heat - 4. I was definitely feeling it at the end, which is a good thing. Both Mrs. RJG and I had the same complaint we always do with Chinese entrees - the sauce is too sticky sweet. I also had the Wonton soup. And unfortunately it wasn't blazing hot temperature which disappointed Mrs. RJG and I. I had fried rice instead of white but it was pretty dull without my powder or chicken. Didn't notice much egg either. Mrs. had white rice, as did Mom. No complaints from either. And Mrs. and I both weren't impressed with the bland and mushy (inside) egg roll.

Overall we had a good meal - not a great meal. Though I think Official Mom enjoyed hers more than us. This was her favorite Chinese so far in Colorado Springs. We'll likely come back next year. For Mom's birthday...

Coal Mine operates two other locations. One off of 8th (which we also ordered to-go from once on the way back from a road trip). The other is in Fountain.

2/22/20; 7/23/20; 8/16/21; 12/20/22 (new entry)

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Roman Villa Pizza ~ Colorado Springs, Colorado

Latest visit: Dec 2022

First visit: Aug 1994

We go from a familiar chain to the ultimate Colorado Springs' Regular Joe Guide kinda place: Roman Villa Pizza. This is one of many restaurants that inspired the creation of this blog from the onset. The sign alone just slays me. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, they have both spaghetti and ravioli! Oh my heart be still. Since 1959. Oh stop it! It's just too much for the RJG to handle. Heaven as I see it. It's such a small little place too and it's as cozy as it looks. But honestly that small size has indeed kept me away for most of these years. Went only once with a record collecting friend in my original tour of duty here, and now this is only the second time Mrs. RJG and I have stepped foot in the friendly confines of Roman Villa. They open at 4, and it was a Saturday night, so you better know that it will be crowded fast. We got here at 4:30 and it was already filling up. It's not a solo dining kind of place. No bar stools or anything like that. So you'd feel uncomfortable hogging a table for yourself. If you are wanting to try it on your own, just get it to-go. On our last visit 4 years ago, we settled on Italian food. I have to be honest and state it's not the greatest. Their red sauce is just too bitter. And one has to be very careful with Mrs. RJG and the "homemade noodle". She hates it - too doughy. But we promised to "come back soon" and try their pizza. Four and a half years later we finally kept that promise.

There really is no better place to be than Roman Villa on a freezing winter night. For those that still wear their masks while driving solo in the car, I would highly suggest you do not step foot in here. It's close and cozy alright. I've been in subways in New York City that had more room. We ordered a 12 inch Italian sausage pizza and two house salads. Their salad is basic: Iceberg lettuce with pepperoncini's and their homemade Italian dressing. Cold and crisp, and the dressing is tasty. Not an awesome salad, but does the needful. Now - after 28 years of knowing about Roman Villa, how is their pizza anyway? Oh my goodness, it's absolutely delicious! Cheese - that's the key. Cheese. Thick and gooey with just the right amount of sauce. And we both enjoyed their pizza sauce much better than their pasta variation. And it was thin and slightly crispy, just the way Mrs. RJG likes it! Pizza dinner with the Mrs. is always asking for trouble, but we have a new convert! Looks like I may not have to wait 4+ years to come back. She's already wanting to try other dishes, while we order a pizza on the side. Looks like we'll be back next year for sure. Also worth mentioning that their Italian sausage is homemade and rolled, which reminds me of Pantaleone's in Denver (though a bit smaller in size). Oh - one more thing - this was the cheapest dinner Mrs. RJG and I have had in a loooong time. True, we eschewed alcohol and stuck with water, but still our bill was a reminder of our NE Tarrant heyday going to Thai and Italian restaurants that had BYOB.

As an aside, there used to be a second Roman Villa location in Parker, where we lived at the time. They opened around 1999 or so and we were regulars for the next 2-3 years. We later turned Rude Dante onto it. It was a favorite of his family and they went often as well. By the time we picked up the Denver summer townhome in 2009, they were gone. It was never clear to me how closely related that restaurant was to the one here in Colorado Springs. The menu was much different. The restaurant was large and modern. They had a baked Italian Sausage dish that was the best I'd ever had. And that stays true today. I sure would like to have that meal again.

8/6/94; 6/20/18; 12/18/22 (new entry)

Monday, December 12, 2022

Local Relic ~ Colorado Springs, Colorado

Latest visit: Dec 2022

First visit: Dec 2018

Back again after about 18 months. Only had one beer, not too heavy, as I had much to do in the afternoon. But I'm falling way behind on the local breweries without much of a good excuse. Note that the free parking is no longer available, as the city has decided to dig into everyone's wallet wherever they can. Otherwise the experience is exactly as laid out below. The food menus look delicious - artisan is the first word that comes to mind. I should take advantage of it sometime. Perhaps have Mrs. RJG join me, as she did for the first visit.

---Bier Reise notes from 6/27/21

The brewery is in an old church on the outskirts of downtown. Plenty of free parking all around. Easier to get in if you go through the back parking lot (off of Weber). Walk in, head to your right. The taps are on the left side. The beers available are on paper menus. Much has changed since we last visited in 2018. They now have 3 other food/drink vendors in the same "church hall". Very relaxing setting, with perfect sunlight befitting of a church. They also have a stereo with a turntable that plays records from their extensive collection. On the visit in 2018, they played Blue Oyster Cult's Spectres, which was a nice surprise. Local Relic prides themselves in making different beers each time.

12/23/18; 6/27/21; 12/12/22 (new entry) 

Colonel Mustard's Sandwich Emporium ~ Colorado Springs, Colorado

Latest visit: Dec 2022

First visit: Apr 2021

Back again as promised, later than anticipated though. Remembering that the prior year's experience ended up with a (slightly) disappointing Hero, I decided on a Ham and Cheese sandwich. And that's what I got - ham and cheese. Nicely cut thin deli Virginia ham, cheddar cheese, red onion, and their "special sauce" on a ciabatta roll. And it was slightly heated up. The roll was soft and tasty, and the ingredients are likely to be Boar's Head. The special sauce I suspected would be a mustard blend, though it wasn't that obvious. More like a light mayo-mustard spread. Was it good? Absolutely. Was it distinctive and crave worthy? Nope. Sigh. I really like this place - once again the help was very friendly. But it's not cheap, definitely on the high side for the sandwich market. Unless I'm at that one thrift shop during lunch time, I'm never in the area either. I should persevere and try their Meatball or Weisswurst sandwich. I want something to remember. Next year.

--- original 4/24/21 review

I was out and about doing a little thriftin' and lunch time came upon me. But where to eat? I felt like trying something new. Typed in Restaurants in Google Maps, and up came Colonel Mustard's Sandwich Emporium. Hard to pass up a place with a name like that! For most of us who grew up with the game of Clue, Colonel Mustard most assuredly is the prime recognizable character. Who hasn't issued the phrase "It was Colonel Mustard with the Candlestick in the Conservatory!" So kudos for a great name.

The owner is heavily engaged in his new product (first opened last July (2020)). Friendly to a fault, he offers free samples to new and returning customers. Word must be getting out, because I was one of many new customers that day - unwittingly so. One of his signature dishes? Mustard ice cream. Ponder that. I tried it - what the hell - and it's bright yellow with a tiny hint of mustard, and mostly creamy delicious ice cream. Vanilla? Probably, but I don't know. Oh - came with a pretzel too. The German heritage of Colorado Springs lives on.

As for the sandwich, hard to lay off the signature The Colonel Hero. Hmm... It's good of course - you can't really screw up using Boar's Heads meats, on a soft Italian hoagie roll. Problem is, I can do that at home. What I want is a big ol' sloppy sandwich. "The Works", "Mike's Way" whatever you crave. Remember Cero's Heroes in Grapevine (to my old NE Tarrant audience)? Here's where it goes wrong - they use bibb lettuce, and they serve the Italian dressing on the side in a plastic container. You put the dressing onto the sandwich, and where does it go? To the plate below. No place to absorb. Of all things, this sandwich could desperately have used spicy mustard. Which is the theme of the restaurant. 

No matter, I'm coming back to try something else. The owner rocks, and I want to support him - as it seems the whole neighborhood does. Well deserved. I heard him talking about meatball and Italian sausage sandwiches, using our very own historic Polidori from Denver (since 1925). OK, we'll be back. Improve the Hero though.... Sloppy is the word. Sloppy.

4/24/21 (new entry); 12/12/22

Saturday, December 3, 2022

RJG Annual Review of the Megachains

This is something I'd intended on doing last year but forgot about it. From the advent of this blog in 2008, you'll find that the RJG rails against the mega chain. I've always been one to cheer on the independent, or the local chain. Or even the regional chain - especially these as they seemed to be well run and uniformly consistent among various locations. And now today, one can honestly say that the national chain has improved quite a bit. Anywhere from Jersey Mike's to Five Guys to Freddy's to Slim Chickens, these chains have proven to be reliably good. And we have a separate posting for all of those and more. Much has changed in these last 15 years of the RJG, that's for sure.

But what about the megachain? These are the places I was really going after. They are mostly publicly traded corporations where the profit and revenue are far more important than taste and customer service. Sure, those latter two characteristics should assist in obtaining the former, but one doesn't always lead to the other. And to be honest - most people just flat out don't care. If they did, there wouldn't be a line around every McDonalds at breakfast time. 

The pandemic softened my attitude towards these chains as well. In some cases, they were the only places that were open. For one, they had drive-thru's, a feature I took full advantage of in the lockdown phase. It was safe, and I didn't have to worry about masking up (though there was a movement in Denver to try to make that happen in drive-thru's - knuckleheads all of them). But - and it's a big BUT - the megachains continue to prove one thing: They are wildly inconsistent. Sometimes they are awesome while at others they're just terrible. Of course most of them hire kids while still in school (or dropouts). Sometimes those kids are in charge of the kitchen. You just can't expect too much out of a modern 16 year old kid. Some are far advanced, but most aren't. A friend of mine used to own 14 Taco Bell's in West Texas and Fort Worth. He said he couldn't find managers that weren't crystal meth addicts. Jeesh! And those were the managers....

With that opening, I'll list my favorites from top to bottom. None of these have a separate feature in the RJG and probably never will. I'll also put my last visit for context. As you can tell, many I haven't bothered go back to in many years, so I'm leaving them out for now. Each year, I'll update this posting and move forward starting in 2022.

1. Chick Fil-A. Last visit: Nov 2022. No surprise here. I think many people would put Chick Fil-A at the top in this category. It's just a well run chain. I go all the time to our local branch. They have mastered the art of fast food. And I love their chicken sandwiches and nuggets. Grab a sack full at the drive through during my lunch break (remember, I work from home when not traveling) and watch some TV. Good stuff. They also get top marks for being the most reliable during the pandemic (along with Schlotzskys which we have a separate posting for).

2. Arby's. Last visit: Aug: 2022. Arby's is the single most aggravating megachain of all time. They introduce a new menu item - it's awesome - and then they remove it so you can go back and eat their lame chicken sandwiches that they make a huge profit from. What is wrong with these people? Arby's successfully moved past Chick Fil-A during the pandemic. I loved their Italian deli sub. And then they introduced a hamburger which was awesome. And then their chicken cordon bleu sandwich. All of which were great. Removed. Bland turkey sandwich instead? Now the burger is back. They're like drug pushers. Get you hooked and then give you a cheap alternative - at the same price. Oh well. When it's all said and done, I think Arby's ends up in second place - for this sad list anyway. Haha.

3. Jimmy John's. Last visit: Jul 2022. Ya know, I've really moved Jimmy John's way up over the years. In the old days their sandwiches were really skimpy - and boring. But they've improved dramatically in that department. We had one near our office in Baltimore (closed now - both our office and Jimmy John's) and that's when I started to reengage with the chain. Now I go to one in the south part of the Springs near a thrift shop. It's always good. I should make them #2, but Arby's has better product - when they feel up to it that is.

Popeye's. Last visit: Feb 2022. There are times when I think that Popeye's is the best national chain. And then they let me down. Again and again. Now they've even removed one of my favorite menu items: Dirty Rice. I know many others agree with me - why on earth did they do that? Sure it was gross, but it was great gross. Do you know why they did that? And this is exactly why I hate megachains. Because... "it was part of a simplification initiative". Read: Less profits because it was too inconvenient to make. Who cares what the customers want! We need to be more efficient! I didn't know Henry Ford was still alive? During the pandemic, their chicken sandwich was a favorite for the Mrs. and I. Though there was a bone in one of my sandwiches (nice). Then Popeyes became notorious for not opening their stores because they had no employees. Everyone else did! How bad is your management then? The last time I went (date above) even the chicken sandwich blew. See what I mean about inconsistency?

Taco Bell. Last visit: Oct 2022. There was a time in the mid to late 1980s when Taco Bell made up my daily diet. Their tacos were reliably cheap and good. And that's all I would ever get here - tacos. I would suggest you do the same. Things like bean burritos here are just terrible. Over the years, Taco Bell has slid downwards, though they did finally introduce a hot sauce that was actually spicy. Nowadays I almost never go - not even during the pandemic. They just opened a new one nearby the Chick Fil-A above. I was curious. Grabbed a bag of tacos to take home. Not bad. Not good.

And the above were the only ones I went to in 2022. Other than Chick Fil-A and Jimmy John's, the others didn't see me more than once.

I'll cover a few more that I last visited in 2021. And then we'll revisit this post next year. Maybe I'll even go back to Burger King... Maybe.

Carl's Jr. Last visit: Oct 2021. I don't know what to make of this chain. They're really pretty good - I like their burgers. But not crazily so. I never have craved Carl's Jr. When they first opened in Parker in the late 90s (where we used to live) I was excited to try them. And I enjoyed it then as I do now. I dunno - it always feels like they "do the needful". I need an addicting item here and never have found it. 

Subway. Last visit: Jul 2021. I do like Subway. And I am forever grateful to this chain during the pandemic. Next to Chick Fil-A and Schlotzsky's, they were my go-to option for lunch. Their sandwiches are pretty good all things considered. They are no Jersey Mike's that's for sure, but at half the price, you really can't complain. I remember when they were "all the rage" in the middle 80s when we got our first location in Lubbock. I won't ever turn my nose up at Subway, but there are clearly better alternatives. While I didn't go this year, I made up for it in 2020 and the first half of 2021. Prior to that I almost never went there either. 

Wendy's. Last visit: Dec 2020. OK last one. Prior to this last visit, Wendy's was #2 on my list. I've been a big fan of the chain since I first tried them in northern Virginia in 1978. When they opened their first location (that I knew of) in Dallas in 1980, I wanted to go every week. I used to love their buffet when they had that in the late 80s. And when I was a road warrior consultant in the late 90s, Wendy's provided a reliable quick lunch: Spicy chicken sandwich and a chocolate Frosty. But over the years they just continued on a downward spiral. They are the epitome of "letting the children and meth addicts run the store". On this last visit (ever?) I ordered a spicy chicken sandwich. They didn't even cook it! Nothing like a cold uncooked chicken breast. I had taken it to-go. So it wasn't even worth driving back to get my money returned. The end of civilization as we know it.

12/3/22 (new entry)

Western Omelette ~ Colorado Springs, Colorado

Latest visit: Dec 2022

First visit: Jul 2018

They have a second location in Fountain.

I have hinted at Western Omelette in these pages for some time, but hadn't yet written about it. My notes show we haven't been since late 2018, long before the pandemic. Two reasons for this: 1) It's always very crowded and 2) Mrs. RJG is somewhat lukewarm about going here. But I'm on a winning streak with the Mrs., so she's more likely to join me than before (with comments like "It's OK, you go by yourself". Thanks). Despite being a decidedly breakfast oriented restaurant, Western Omelette isn't really a place for solo dining. They have a small bar area - but it's a real bar with alcohol for the evening crowd. Not a breakfast bar with convenient countertop seating. You can hog one of the tables for yourself of course, but since it's always mobbed, I don't like doing that. For years I'd threatened to go here on a garden variety weekday as I'm sure it's less crowded than on the weekends. But its location to where we live isn't really convenient for that. Hence - 4 years later, we're finally back at the Western Omelette. One of my favorite Colorado Springs restaurants - that I never go to. :-(

The location is nice - looks like it may have been an old Denny's or something similar. Apparently they've been open since 1992, though I don't recall ever hearing about it in my first tour of duty here. It's fully decorated in the Native American style. Most of it is authentic with a touch of 1950s western tourism kitsch. Caucasian looking Native American paintings for example. The waitresses were all dressed in 1920's Flapper Girl attire on this visit. Not sure the relevance, but they all looked neat to my eyes. And beware of any restaurant whose logo sports habanero, serrano, and jalapeno peppers with smiling teeth and sunglasses. You're just asking for trouble.

And what makes Western Omelette so special? In the mind of the RJG it's really quite simple: Their green chile. In particular you have to ask for the hot variety. When you do - the waitstaff will invariably ask "have you ever had it?" Oh yea - I respond. Oh yea. Without a single doubt, Western Omelette's green chile is the single hottest I've ever had at a restaurant. It's so spicy you'd think it was illegal to serve. And that's coming from me - your spice head host - Mr. RJG. I always get half and half: Red and spicy green. I've had their mild green and it's really not good at all. The red packs some heat, so if you like it hot - but not that hot - go for the red.

So what am I burying this mythical chile over? A breakfast burrito of course. Their variety is eggs and chorizo, the latter some of the finest I've ever had. More like ground beef than a yucky pork taste. With a side of hash browns. Oh and they do have flavored creamers, so I had coffee as well. Served hot and actually had some strength to it. The flavor of that green chile is just divine. But lethal. And when you see all those orange bits of chile, then you know that habanero is present. In the Colorado Springs area, we have two other places that serve insanely spicy green chile (that I know about): Quijotes (still our favorite) and The Loop ('Burrito From Hell'). Western Omelette is spicier than both of those.

Fine - I'm happy as expected. But what about the Spousal Unit? Always a wildcard, what did she order and how did she feel about it?  She had 'The Pony' with 2 eggs, bacon, hash browns, and pancakes. She also had coffee which she enjoyed. The eggs were bland she stated, not enough flavor to distinguish. Same goes for the hash browns. The bacon was excellent - thick cut. Ironically both chewy and crispy (I tried a bit - very good). But Mrs. RJG is getting smart, and grabbed a couple of spoonful's of my green chile. Whoa nelly. It's hot right? Oh yea. She loved that and it made the eggs and hash browns taste much better. We split the pancakes as a dessert and to settle our stomachs. When it's all said and done, I still don't think she'll make a beeline back here. She'll declare that the chile is too hot for you, dear (Mr. RJG). No it isn't! Yes it is, she replies immediately. Even though we were seated promptly and received our coffee right away, our meal took close to 25 minutes to arrive. So that didn't go over well either. Sigh.

So what am I to do? Probably come over some garden variety weekday for breakfast. Yea, sure I will. But I must... It's one of my Gold Star restaurants!

7/8/18; 10/27/18; 12/3/22 (new entry)

Claire's at the Museum ~ Long Beach, California

Inside the Long Beach Museum of Art

Lady Music, her sweet momma, and I decided to visit a very nice ocean front cafe. This upscale restaurant is part of the Long Beach Museum. Lady Music has been there before and had been wanting to take me. We sat outside on their elegant, covered patio. The seating was comfy with perfect 70 degree weather and a clear view of the rolling waves from the ocean, the beach, and Queen Mary!

Although the menu was small, there were plenty of items I wanted to try. I had been considering the salmon BLT or breakfast burrito, but when Lady Music called out the beet salad with grilled salmon and read it, my choice was made! It was a very generous portion of salmon and salad with a pile of golden and red beets tossed with pistachios, candied pecans, goat cheese and homemade balsamic vinaigrette. I got sliced almonds in lieu of candies pecans; it was yummy. The salmon had a great crispy crunch on the outside but ever so tender and moist in the middle. The flavor was perfect! A little light seasoning on the outside and so fresh! It may have been the most delicious cooked salmon I ever had! Lady Music Sr noted the lemon, blueberry pancakes and we decided to split a stack 3 way. Oh boy, they were fluffy and lemony and amazing. Topped with blueberries, blueberry compote and fresh whipped cream, they were a perfect treat! We all loved them. The service was beyond exemplary! The cost was very reasonable. I will definitely return!

- Mr. Music review

Northern Cafe ~ Cerritos, California

Lady Music and I joined the BFF family to celebrate Lady Music's BFF's birthday. Northern Cafe on Second in Cerritos was the choice ...