Saturday, June 10, 2023

Rowley Farmhouse Ales ~ Santa Fe, New Mexico

Maclovia St. @ Cerrillos Rd.

First visit: Jun 2023

It's Friday afternoon, and I was done thrifting and record shopping. I didn't have near as much time to shop as in years past, as the work week ended up picking on me. Oh well, they don't pay me to not work right? Sometimes it's just the way events go. Gotta take care of business first. And I did. Which made me appreciate the free time that much more.

Why don't we go back to what we used to do in old times. Grab a beer at happy hour to celebrate the oncoming weekend! I'd tried one Rowley beer when we were here in early 2021. But that was a pint can from a liquor store. Otherwise, you don't see this brewery's offerings much in New Mexico. Part of that is that they are specialists in what are known as Farmhouse Ales. Or Saison's if you prefer. They're very yeast heavy ales and appeal to a certain seasoned palate. The RJG's don't possess that, but fortunately they do at least make IPAs for us less sophisticated types. The setting is very nice, as they repurposed an old warehouse into a restaurant and brewery. The food looks good, something we might want to consider on a future visit. I'm sure they'll always have a beer to our liking.

6/10/23 (new entry)

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Northern Cafe ~ Cerritos, California

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