Friday, March 22, 2024

Slice 420 ~ Colorado Springs, Colorado

Latest visit: Mar 2024

First visit: Feb 2023

This is the Oro Blanco locale. They have a second location in Old Colorado City, which is the original.

I'm back for only my second visit to Slice 420. I was diligent in reading my notes before going in, and because of that, I only had one slice of pizza this time. I went again with the Mountain Man, and it was exactly as I remembered it, perhaps a bit too much grease this go round. Could still go for some more sauce too. I did go with a fountain soda too, settling on Diet Pepsi, which was mixed properly. Once again, prices are getting to the unsustainable phase. One slice and one drink = ~$11 and they do ask for the unearned tip, which they didn't get from me. Friendly management and service though. It seems service has distinctly improved within the last year while prices have skyrocketed. I don't blame the restaurants, it's not their fault either. As such, I was the only person there on a Friday at lunch. Last year when I was here, it was packed. The food quality hasn't dipped at all, so it's pretty clear folks can't afford these frivolities anymore. The further we get from zero, the less people can participate. Let's hope for an end to this. And soon.

---original 2/3/23 review

While Mrs. RJG was enjoying Aroi Thai, I too was out and about running errands in the city. It was lunch time and I was just leaving the American Classics Marketplace (haha - must have just missed her!). I was running a little late and I was also starving. I wanted to try something new, and I had pizza on the mind. Up popped Slice 420 nearby - perfect that's what I want, a couple of slices of New Yawk pizza.

Unbeknownst to this square, 420 is an urban slang marijuana reference. Apparently it means to meet up at 4:20 in the afternoon somewhere and smoke some weed. As most folks know, Colorado was one of the pioneers in the USA to legalize cannabis. In some areas of the state, recreational hash is legal, but here in the Springs it's strictly medical. And where we reside (way up north), there's absolutely zero commerce for weed. But in the center of the city, there's plenty if you're so inclined. The RJG is not - beer and wine is fine for me. Perhaps if I grew up later - but in my era there was a stigma attached to it. But I've never had an issue with it - and most of my music friends were pretty active in that space. I was always fine with legalizing it.

I bring all of this up - because 420 indeed does reference cannabis, but maybe not what you think. They make it very clear they do not infuse cannabis into their pizza. The reference comes from the fact that they moved to Colorado from Florida to treat their young daughter with cannabis - and it worked! So they wanted to give back to the community. So if you're pregnant or a federal officer who is subject to frequent drug testing - you're safe! :-) 

Now let's get to why I'm here - I'm hungry! What I like about Slice 420 is not only do they have pizza by the slice - but they offer at least 10 specialty pizzas that you can try. Not just the usual cheese and add a cheap topping before they throw it in the oven (again). That is a winning idea! I ordered two gigantic slices, and they proudly proclaim to be of the New York pizza variety. This is one of those places where one slice will have you leaving slightly hungry and two slices slightly too full. Next time I probably will just get one. But fine, I fattened up in a hurry. My two choices were the Mountain Man which is loaded with meats. Not just the garden variety ones either, and I remember the sausage being chewy even, which I liked. And a traditional margherita slice with cheese and basil. You order up and they'll bring it to you. Both my slices came piping hot. The crust was perfect - crispy and chewy. You can fold it down the middle to capture all that grease. The only complaint - and it's familiar one with the RJG - is not enough sauce. And in this case, maybe not enough tasty sauce. It's forgivable though, and maybe my next visit will yield a different result. Looking forward to trying Slice 420 again soon!

2/3/23 (new entry); 3/22/24

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