Saturday, May 29, 2021

Greg's Volcano Pizza ~ Elkhart, Indiana

This one will get a knowing look from any Elkhart native, as well as those who may have experienced it in other locales (there was a Volcano in Bristol, TN for many years). My short synopsis: great take-out greasy pizza if you are into that kind of thing. And I am into that kind of thing!

Not sure when Volcano first opened, but it was there for as long as I can remember, and I have lived in or been a frequent visitor to Elkhart since the early 70s. (Confession: resorted to a web site check. They have been doing it since 1957!)

There are a very few, non-exclusive schools of faith at Volcano:

Sandwiches - hot
Sandwiches - cold

For my part, I've been a believer in a sandwich and a pizza. Hot sandwiches dominate - presuming you will be eating right away, but cold sandwiches are a nice option for a road trip. My go-to sandwich is a hot italian sausage and cheese. Others in my circle of acquaintance favor the hot meatball & cheese, while still others are fans of the italian beef. The only cold sandwich for me would be the ham & cheese (which is also lovely hot).

(There is a veggie sandwich on the menu, about which I will say nothing.)

For the pizza, I seldom stray from the top 3 on their ingredients list (pep, saus & mush), and I generally go for a large one even if it's just for me. Hello, leftovers? Crust is thinner than most in town, and signature cut style is one bisecting cut with thin slices cut perpendicular to the initial cut. Debate rages between the outer pieces (more crust) versus the middle ones (maybe 1 inch +/- of crust). Ample cheese, spicy but not overpowering red sauce, and the sausage in particular imparts a character that cannot be beat. Greasy? Of course!

In the 'other' category, they have some salads, and I am never averse to a salad with my pie and/or sandwich. They also list spaghetti on the menu: I have no idea if it's any good. And there are bread sticks, same comment.

No seating - just takeout, and only soft drinks available last time I was there.

- Rude Dante review

(ed: gotta like a place that advertises "Italian" spaghetti, as if there's another kind... love it!)

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