Sunday, June 22, 2014

Taco Bueno ~ regional chain : Keller, Texas

Last visit: Jun 2014 (Keller, Texas)

First visit: 1979 (Dallas - N. Inwood Rd.)

Locations (as of May 2022): According to Wikipedia as of 2019 there are 150 restaurants in 6 southern states, and I'm sure the majority of them reside in Texas. They made a go at the Colorado market, but pulled out just before we moved back. In fact there were signs up for two northern Colorado Springs locations when we first moved here in 2018.


You just knew I was going to cover Taco Bueno didn't ya? I feel somewhat obligated to, even though it may seem to folks here in DFW that the chain is as ubiquitous as McDonalds. In reality, it's actually a localized regional chain that continues to outwardly expand. In that way, it's somewhat like Whataburger - a place you might take for granted because it's always there. Leave the Southwest part of the United States however, and they are absent. According to their website, Taco Bueno was founded in Abilene in 1967. I can remember them as far back as the mid 1970s in the DFW area.

Taco Bueno was the original RJG late night taco place with buddies. We had one near my high school in the early 1980s (W. T. White for the three people who might care), and we'd wander over in the late evenings (8/9 o'clock?) and grab a handful of crunchy tacos. Hey, we were growing teenagers with enormous appetites! Taco Bueno has always been a "mild" option in the fast food taco market. They have one salsa, and it's tasty but not spicy. They used to serve the sauce in syrup bottles on each table (right from the fridge!), but nowadays you'll find it in the "salsa bar" that has become the standard in the last 20 years or so. As far as I know, they've never opted for a "volcano", "fire" or "inferno" sauce. The meat has a nice flavor, and their tacos have traditionally been small - where you need many to fill you up. As such, I moved to their ground beef burritos later on just so I could get a full meal out of the visit.

Today, I'm very much an infrequent visitor to Taco Bueno, with a rare stop to my local store - and generally then only with a free taco coupon from the Rangers or Mavericks game. With Taco Casa, and now Del Taco, in the area - there's less reason for me to go to Taco Bueno. Obviously I don't eat as much fast food as I once did, so my fast food dollar is more focused. For me to reconsider, I think the chain needs to add a little more zest to their sauces and offerings. But to date, they have chosen to play it straight down the middle.

OK, this concludes our taco run. Don't worry, the RJG sees no reason to cover Taco Bell. But I do hope at one point to cover some favorites around the country. And Taco Mayo isn't far over in Bridgeport, so we may cover them soon.

1/15/12 (new entry); 6/22/14

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Texadelphia ~ Texas chain: Las Colinas

Latest visit: Jun 2014 (Las Colinas)

First visit: Aug 2004 (Las Colinas)

Locations (2/3/24): 5 in Texas + 1 in Oklahoma City. The Las Colinas location below is closed and there are none nearby to our old stomping grounds of NE Tarrant.

Everything you need to know about Texadelphia can be derived from the name itself. As a base, they put forth the Philly cheesesteak concept, but with a Texas infused twist. They start with the soft hoagie roll and finely chopped and seasoned beef, just as in Philadelphia, but you also get chips and salsa on the side. And a host of toppings like BBQ sauce and Mustard Blend. No cheeze whiz or even provolone, but rather mozzarella is used. The salsa reminds me of Pace, so nothing special, but a nice accompaniment all the same.

So as you can see, it's not "authentic", and that's just the point. That's why they refer to themselves as a "Texas Cheesesteak". And the RJG will always reward a new fast food concept.

We first started going to Texadelphia when the RJG started to work for Software Company You've Actually Heard Of at the beginning of 2005. Nowadays the Mrs. and I visit a couple of times a year, as it's a convenient stopping point on the way to see the RJG's Mom in NW Dallas.

Texadelphia is a regional chain with roots in Austin, and the decor and atmosphere is very much that of a Hill Country bar, with dark lighting, beer signs and TV's tuned to sports. It's still a relatively small chain, consisting of only 18 stores, with 8 in Austin and a handful spread throughout the major metropolis areas of Texas: Houston, DFW and San Antonio - and one location in the arch enemy territory for any Austinite: Norman, Oklahoma.

According to their website, the chain has recently (Sept. 2008) been purchased by a "group of investors" with mucho Publicly Traded Company experience. Nothing good usually comes of this, but we'll keep our fingers crossed here, as the Texadelphia concept is a winning one. Maybe these investors are tired of the Wall Street game too? They've moved their headquarters from Austin to Dallas.

In the mood for a Philly Cheesesteak? Try Texadelphia and compare the difference. The RJG recommends it!

8/7/04; 1/18/09 (new entry); 6/8/14

Northern Cafe ~ Cerritos, California

Lady Music and I joined the BFF family to celebrate Lady Music's BFF's birthday. Northern Cafe on Second in Cerritos was the choice ...